Company administrators and supervisors can configure existing reports to be generated automatically at scheduled intervals.
These scheduled reports must have already been created by a company administrator or supervisor.
Note: The time range over which statistics are reported is fixed according to the settings configured when the report was created.
Click play to watch a video overview on managing reports.
To define a schedule for automatically generating a report:
Procedure #
Step 1:
Click Data > Reports Configuration on the menu bar.
A list of existing reports is displayed.
Step 2:
Select the report in the list.
Step 3:
If you want to change the report’s name, enter the new name of the report (up to 100 characters). Any unicode characters are allowed, including whitespace and accented letters.
Step 4:
If you want to change the description of the report, enter the new description (up to 250 characters). Any unicode characters are allowed, including whitespace and accented letters.
Step 5:
To generate this report automatically, tick the Generate Automatically check box.
Step 6:
For Start Date, specify the first date on which the report should be generated automatically by doing one of the following:
- Enter the date in the format DD/MM/YYYY
- Click in the field and select the date from a calendar.
Step 7:
For Sending Time, specify (in hours and minutes) how regularly the report should be sent.
Step 8:
For Generation Interval, specify how regularly the report should be generated.
Step 9:
To transfer auto-generated reports to an external platform via Secure FTP (SFTP):
- Tick the Enable SFTP checkbox.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Username that is required to access the SFTP destination (up to 100 characters). Any unicode characters are allowed, including whitespace and accented letters.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Password that is required to access the SFTP destination, as configured on the SFTP host. This is used in conjunction with the username to authenticate the user login.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the IP Address of the external platform.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Port on the external platform.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Destination Directory on the external platform to which reports are transferred.
- To upload an SSH private key to use instead of (or in conjunction with) the password to access the SFTP destination, click Upload Private Key File then navigate to the .PEM file.
Step 10:
To send auto-generated reports to an email address:
- Tick the Enable Email checkbox.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Email Addresses to which auto-generated reports should be sent, in the format local-part@domain, for example, Up to 100 characters can be entered. Any unicode characters are allowed, including accented letters.
Step 11:
Click Save Changes.
To remove a report, select the appropriate report in the list and click Delete then confirm that you want to delete the report.
Related tasks
Loading or creating a report
Searching a list
Related reference
Report configuration page