Under Aggregations in the Report Tool, you can specify the grouping for which statistics are collected and combined in the report. One of:
- By Queue
- By Queue Per Service Number
- By Month
- By Week
- By Day
- By Hour
- By Half Hour
- By Quarter Hour
Configurables in the Report Tool:
- Minimum call length (seconds) – Only statistics for calls that lasted at least this number of seconds are included in the report
- Service level target (seconds) – Only statistics for calls that were answered within the target number of seconds of being placed in the queue are included in the report.
Filters in the Report Tool:
- Call type – All/Inbound/Outbound/Callback/Scheduled Call/Transfer Excluded/Transfer Only
- Service numbers – Inbound and callback calls only.
The following statistics are available.
Statistic | Description |
Total calls | The total number of calls placed in the queue, including transferred calls and calls that overflowed to other agent groups. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Total calls (service number) | The total number of inbound calls to a service number that were placed in the queue, including transferred calls and calls that overflowed to other agent groups. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Total calls (minimum call length) | The total number of calls placed in the queue, including transferred calls and calls that overflowed to other agent groups. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Connected calls | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls (group 1) | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent in the first priority group, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls (group 2) | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent in the second priority group, because no group 1 agents were available. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls (group 3) | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent in the third priority group, because no group 1 or group 2 agents were available. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls (group 4) | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent in the fourth priority group, because no group 1, group 2 or group 3 agents were available. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls (group 5) | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent in the fifth priority group, because no group 1, group 2, group 3 or group 4 agents were available. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 5 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 5 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 8 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 8 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 10 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 10 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 12 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 12 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 15 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 15 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 19 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 19 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 20 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 20 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls within 30 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent within 30 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Connected calls after 30 seconds | The total number of callers who were connected to an agent after 30 seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Calls directed to overflow | The total number of calls that were directed to an overflow call queue, if no agents from the group were available. |
Calls not connected | The total number of callers in the queue who were not connected to an agent (Total calls – Connected calls). Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. Note: Calls not connected includes Dropped calls. |
Calls not connected (call limit reached) | The total number of callers who did not join the queue because the queue had reached its maximum capacity. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (length limit reached) | The total number of callers who exited the queue (and may have overflowed to the next-highest priority group of agents, if specified) because the maximum number of calls permitted in the queue was reached. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (contact hung up) | The total number of callers in the queue who hung up before they were connected to an agent. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (caller hung up within 5 seconds) | The total number of callers who hung up within five seconds of being placed in the queue. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (caller hung up within 10 seconds) | The total number of callers who hung up within 10 seconds of being placed in the queue. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (caller hung up within 20 seconds) | The total number of callers who hung up within 20 seconds of being placed in the queue. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (DTMF breakout) | The total number of callers who exited the queue by using one of the DTMF breakout options, before being connected to an agent. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (maximum wait time reached) | The total number of callers who exited the queue (and may have overflowed to the next-highest priority group of agents, if specified) because the maximum number of seconds that a caller should spend waiting in the queue was reached. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Calls not connected (no agents available) | The total number of callers who were prevented from waiting in the queue (and may have overflowed to the next-highest priority group of agents, if specified) because no agents were available. Only calls that are longer than the Minimum call length parameter (if set) are counted. |
Consultation attempts | The total number of calls during which an agent pressed the Consult b utton. |
Consultation connected | The total number of calls during which an agent tried to consult with another agent or a supervisor and the party being consulted accepted the call. |
Warm transfer attempts | The total number of calls during which an agent pressed the Transfer button after consulting another party. |
Warm transfer connected | The total number of calls that agents tried to transfer and that were successfully accepted by the destination party. |
Cold transfer attempts | The total number of callers who were transferred to a different agent group. |
Cold transfers connected | The total number of transferred callers who were successfully connected to an agent and therefore left the queue. |
Dropped calls | The total number of calls that were not routed to either a queue or an agent, because the caller either hung up or exited the queue by using one of the DTMF breakout options (Calls not connected (contact hung up) + Calls not connected (DTMF breakout)). |
Service level | The total number of callers who did not hang up within a specified number of seconds of being placed in the queue and who were connected to an agent within the target number of seconds, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). (Total calls met service level/Total calls excluding hangups) |
Total calls met service level | The total number of callers that were connected to an agent within the target number of seconds of being placed in the queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Availability | The percentage of callers who did not hang up within a specified number of seconds of being placed in the queue and who were connected to an agent. (Connected calls/Total calls) |
Real availability | The percentage of the total number of calls placed in the queue that were longer than the minimum call length and that were successfully connected to an agent. This includes transferred calls or calls that overflowed to other agent groups. (Connected calls/Total calls (minimum call length)) |
Total calls including hangups | The total time (in minutes) of all calls assigned to the queue (time spent waiting in the queue + talking time with agents), measured from when each call joined the queue to when each call left the queue or the call ended. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored) and includes calls where the callers hung up. |
Total calls excluding hangups | The total time (in minutes) of all calls assigned to the queue (time spent waiting in the queue + talking time with agents), measured from when each call joined the queue to when each call left the queue or the call ended. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored) and does not include calls where the callers hung up. |
Average call length | The average length (in seconds) of calls in this queue. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Total talk time | The total time (in minutes) spent talking with agents, including time spent on hold, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). This does not include the time spent waiting in the queue. |
Average talk time | The average time (in seconds) spent talking with agents, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). This does not include the time spent waiting in the queue. |
Longest wait time | The longest time (in seconds) that a caller has spent waiting in this queue, regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Average wait time | The average time (in seconds) that callers have spent waiting in the queue, measured from when each call joined the queue to when each call was connected to the first agent. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Total wait time | The total time (in minutes) that callers have spent waiting in the queue, measured from when each call joined the queue (after all non-uninterruptible announcements completed) to when each call was connected to the first agent. The waiting time includes the ringing time and the answering time of the agent. It is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Average answer time | The average time (in seconds) that callers took to be connected to an agent, measured from the time when each caller joined the queue to the time when an agent answered the call. (Average wait time/Connected calls). |
Longest answer time | The longest time (in seconds) that a caller took to be connected to an agent, measured from the time when the caller joined the queue to the time when an agent answered the call. |
Total answer time | The total time (in seconds) that callers took to be connected to an agent, measured from the time when each caller joined the queue to the time when an agent answered the call. |
Average hold time | The average time (in seconds) that callers have spent on hold. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Total hold time | The total time (in minutes) that callers have spent on hold. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Combined total wrapup time | The sum of all wrapup times (in minutes) for agents assigned to this queue. This includes wrapup times for both inbound and outbound calls. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Average wrapup time | The average wrapup time (in seconds) for agents assigned to this queue. This includes wrapup times for both inbound and outbound calls. This is regardless of the length of each call (the Minimum call length parameter, if set, is ignored). |
Maximum queue length | The maximum length of this queue over the reporting period. Note: If a call ends up going via two or more different queues, as with call transfers, two (or more) entries are displayed in the report. |
Outbound calls | The total number of outbound calls that were made by agents assigned to this queue. Note: Only outbound calls made using either “Click-To-Call” or WebRTC softphones are counted. Calls placed from handsets are not counted. |
Total outbound talk time | The total time (in minutes) that agents assigned to this queue spent talking on all outbound calls. |
Fixed-line outbound calls | The total number of outbound calls that were made to fixed-line numbers by agents assigned to this queue. Note: Only outbound calls to fixed-line phones are counted. Calls to mobile phones, international calls and internal calls to other agents are not counted. |
Fixed-line outbound talk time | The total time (in minutes) that agents assigned to this queue spent talking on outbound calls to fixed-line phones. |
Mobile outbound calls | The total number of outbound calls that were made to mobile numbers by agents assigned to this queue. Note: Only outbound calls to mobile phones are counted. Calls to fixed-line phones, international calls and internal calls to other agents are not counted. |
Mobile outbound talk time | The total time (in minutes) that agents assigned to this queue spent talking on outbound ca lls to mobile phones. |
International outbound calls | The total number of outbound calls that were made to international numbers by agents assigned to this queue. Note: Only outbound calls to international numbers are counted. Calls to fixed-line phones, mobile phones and internal calls to other agents are not counted. |
International outbound talk time | The total time (in minutes) that agents assigned to this queue spent talking on outbound calls to international numbers. |
Internal outbound calls | The total number of outbound calls that were made internally to other agents by agents assigned to this queue. Note: Only outbound calls to internal numbers are counted. Calls to fixed-line phones, mobile phones and international numbers are not counted. |
Internal outbound talk time | The total time (in minutes) that agents assigned to this queue spent talking on outbound calls to other agents. |
Parent topic: Call-data statistics