This page allows a company administrator or supervisor to configure an existing contact report to be generated automatically at a scheduled interval.
Generate Automatically
Whether or not this report will be generated automatically.
Start Date
The first date on which the report should be generated automatically.
Sending Time
How regularly the report should be sent (in hours and minutes).
Generation Interval
How regularly the report should be generated.
Enable SFTP
Whether or not auto-generated reports will be transferred to an external platform via Secure FTP (SFTP).
The username that is required to access the SFTP destination. The user must enter this name (along with their password) to log in to the external platform for the SFTP destination.
The password that the user must type to log in to the external platform for the SFTP destination. This is used in conjunction with the username to authenticate the user login.
IP Address
The IP address of the external platform.
The port on the external platform.
Destination Directory
The destination directory on the external platform to which reports are transferred.
Enable Email
Whether or not auto-generated reports will be sent to an email address.
Email Addresses
The email address(es) to which auto-generated reports should be sent, in the format local-part@domain.
Related tasks
Scheduling contact report generation